What Simon Didn’t Say

  There’s a youtube video being shared around talking about Millennials. Definitely worth watching. In it, a man named Simon Sinek gives a fifteen-minute sermon about millennials. Was that word choice weird for you? Yes, it was a sermon. Granted, it wasn’t an expressly Christian sermon, but it was a discourse identifying a problem, giving supports for the cause of that problem, and then giving application points to solve that problem. That’s a sermon. Like lots of sermons, he got some things right and some things wrong. Also like lots of sermons, he would have gotten even more right if … [Read more]

The Settlement

The bars of the cell slammed shut behind man number one. He rubbed his forehead. The force with which he had hit the floor nearly knocked him out. He looked to his left and saw two other cells, lit with a dim red light, and two other men, just like him, sitting on the floor. Man number two, in the middle cell, was hunched in a little ball, shivering. Man number three, in the cell on the far right, was rubbing his left hand on the floor absentmindedly. “Why am I here?” asked man number one. Man number three looked … [Read more]

I’m Gonna Tell My Guy Friends I Love Them

Here’s why I’m gonna tell my guy friends that I love them: because I do love them. Pretty simple huh? The Problem We live in a culture that has, for all intents and purposes, reduced the the phrase “I love you” to only two definitions: I want to have sex with you. I vaguely wish that you would be happy, because being happy is so nice. Both of these definitions lack the true meaning of love. You want to know my definition? I steal it from J. Budziszewski who stole it from Aquinas, who stole it from Aristotle, who actually … [Read more]

The Gate is Small (Pt. 6)

This is a continuation of an allegorical tale begun in The Gate is Small (Pt. 1) and continuing through The Gate is Small (Pt. 2), The Gate is Small (Pt. 3), The Gate is Small (Pt. 4), and The Gate is Small (Pt. 5). I suggest reading the full story in order, but of course, that’s only my opinion. Jack and I continued down the path for some time. We stopped at the water spigot he had mentioned and refilled our canteens, and we talked about the things we both enjoyed, mostly words, philosophy, and great literature. It was nearing … [Read more]

Legality is Not Morality

In my Sunday afternoon group (homegroup) we’ve been going over various Christian ethics questions and trying to discern the Biblical worldview. I noticed a few times through the course of the lessons a dangerous and unquestioned assumption: if it’s legal, it must be good, or at the very least, not bad. For Christians, this is one of the most pernicious and harmful assumptions we can make in our time, so I’d like to flesh out this basic distinction a bit. We’ll start with defining the two terms, legality and morality, and then we’ll compare and contrast them. Finally, we’ll talk … [Read more]