Liberal and Wonder Why Anyone Would Vote For Trump? READ

For liberals wondering how so many people voted for Trump, let me reasonably explain one perspective. I didn’t vote for Trump, but I agree with many of the policies the Republican party embodies (or at least, that it used to embody… that’s starting to change… but anyway…). This is the case for a lot of conservatives. For many liberals, the federal government is the place to enact social reform. Conservatives disagree with this philosophy. Many conservatives don’t see the government as the place for social causes. Instead the place for social reform is in the private sector through charities, and … [Read more]

The Hatmakers are Gay Affirming This is a review of a post by Brandon Hatmaker (husband of Jen Hatmaker) explaining their choice to join the revolution of “affirming Christians.” A link to the post is at the top of this page. Please DO read it for yourself before reading this review. I’m writing this at the request of a friend, and I am happy to oblige. I would recommend having the post open in a different window next to this one, so you can see both at the same time. That’s how I wrote it. So, when I quote something from the post, you … [Read more]

The Gate is Small (Pt. 5)

This is a continuation of an allegorical tale begun in The Gate is Small (Pt. 1) and continuing through The Gate is Small (Pt. 2), The Gate is Small (Pt. 3), and The Gate is Small (Pt. 4). I suggest reading the full story in order, but of course, that’s only my opinion. “…and of course, the simple pleasure that comes from the achy pain in the feet after a long day’s walk is one that many find paradoxical. Pain being pleasurable? Perish the thought. Of course, one that bears consdiera—” “JACK MOVE!” I shouted as the bear got dangerously close. He … [Read more]

A Dinosaur at Twenty-four

A Class this Summer This summer I took a class at Seminary called “Cultural Dynamics in Ministry.” Essentially, it was a cross-cultural missions class. It was a one-week intensive, which means you go 5 days in a row from 8-5 and do all the lectures for the three-credit-hour course in one week. To top it off, we had a first-time visiting professor from Asbury Seminary. He is a fairly well-known Christian Anthropologist (emphasis on the anthropologist part) who has quite a bit of experience in foreign missions. However, he’s very much NOT a theologian, which created conflict in class. He … [Read more]

Retraction and Reaction: My Words and Andy Stanley’s

This is a retraction (or adjustment) of a previous post, and a critique of Andy Stanley’s philosophy and most recent sermons. Introduction In light of the recent controversy over the Rob-Bell-esque, postmodern slip (or nose-dive) that Andy Stanley has taken toward emergent church heresy, I’ve been thinking a lot about a post I wrote in January of this year called “The Bible’s Not Essential to Christianity.” In it, I used some careless language and made a few factual errors and so I’d like to clarify and correct my own words, and also offer a critique of Andy Stanley’s philosophy that … [Read more]