You’re Just Another Klansman

In light of the recent decision by the Supreme Court, the one upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare, I thought I would share my thoughts on the ever increasingly important subject of words and what they mean. With that in mind, I’d like to share a quotation with you. “This is an institution of chivalry, humanity, mercy, and patriotism; embodying in its genius and its principles all that is chivalric in conduct, noble in sentiment, generous in manhood, and patriotic in purpose; its peculiar objects being: First, to protect the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless from the indignities, wrongs, and … [Read more]

God Might Not Have Plans to “Prosper” You: Can You Live With That?

There are two passages in the Bible that get misapplied more than any others. The first is Jeremiah 29:11, the second is Deuteronomy 28:1-14. These two passages are routinely ripped from their context and abused by all types of Christians. Tall, short, skinny, hefty, rich, poor, it makes no difference. It seems that these two passages have been rendered defenseless against the advent of technology and the “single-scripture-written-in-whimsical-fonts-over-a-picture-of-a-river-forrest-mountain-or-beach-then-posted-on-instagram-to-seem-spiritual” craze. Well, I’m here to bring the context kicking and screaming into view for you. If you want to know how to irritate me, say that you know God has good plans … [Read more]

Paul on Slavery

Introduction The Apostle Paul authored almost half of the New Testament, and spoke authoritatively about the Christian perspective on countless subjects from the meaning of love, to the roles and duties of church officials. Much of Christian doctrine is based on the writings of Paul, but one particular issue appears to fall between the cracks in his writing: the question of slavery, its lawfulness, and its role in the Christian life. The crack into which it fell was large enough to fuel the American Civil War. Many Christians saw Paul’s writings as “pro-slavery” and were therefore willing to fight and … [Read more]

The One Thing All Christians Should Agree On

The One Thing All Christians Should Agree On: Little Christs, Church Unity, and a Lesson in Christology I heard someone in an argument say, “If there is one thing all Christians should agree on, it’s that abortion is wrong.” Now I quite agree that abortion is wrong, and I tend to seriously question someone who calls himself a Christian and supports abortion. They are pretty antithetical ideas. All the way from the beginning, Adam and Eve were told to “multiply.” They weren’t told, “Kill your kids if they’re inconvenient.” Sorry, was I a little sarcastic there? I tend to think … [Read more]

Feasting or Gluttony: Which are You Doing?

I’m eating barbecue with my friends on Memorial Day. We’ve just floated the Comal River and we are about to blow any kind of diet we had, then a joke gets made about gluttony. Should we be joking about the sin of gluttony? Is it really a laughing matter? Does eating barbecue with your friends on Memorial Day, (way more barbecue than you’d eat on a normal day) even count as gluttony? What is the line between feasting and gluttony? What does the Bible say about feasting? In the bible, feasting is seen primarily in the Old Testament, and the … [Read more]