People Have Sex, Words Have Gender

I’m writing this days after Bruce Jenner decided to become Caitlyn Jenner and the question of Transgenderism is hotter than it’s ever been. Introduction To those who support Jenner’s decision, I ask a single question of you: If Jenner changes back, will you be equally supportive? I’ve been thinking it through for days to be sure I don’t say something about this that I’ll regret. There are so many angles from which to look at this. There’s the Jon Stewart angle, which unknowingly exposes the inconsistency of supporting both feminism and trans-genderism. There’s the Walt Heyer angle, which traces the gruesome … [Read more]

C. S. Lewis Was Wrong!

C.S. Lewis was wrong. I don’t say those words, in that order, very often. Unless we’re talking about afterlife theories, eschatology, eternal security, or evolution, I put stock in what Lewis said. His work on moral law thinking, The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, they’re all spectacular. He has affected my way of thinking and my way of life more than any other writer, except perhaps the Apostle Paul. Unfortunately, Lewis was very wrong about one particular prediction. In Mere Christianity Lewis talks about the meaning of the word “Christian.” He talks about how the meaning … [Read more]

The Universe Can’t Tell You Anything

(Yes, I know that’s a picture of a galaxy… throw me a bone here!) I first noticed it on How I Met Your Mother. Ted appeals to “the universe” quite often and talks quite often about how “the universe wants this to happen.” I thought it was funny at first, but it’s gone way beyond that. It’s become a way of life. It’s become a philosophy and a religion. People honestly and earnestly use the phrase “I think the universe is saying…” I’m calling it the “Consciously Reacting Universe Doctrine” or “CRUD” for short. I am so tired of this … [Read more]

Christians and Cursing

Can Christians curse? When, if ever, is it appropriate? Some try to say that the Bible isn’t clear on the subject. Unfortunately this simply isn’t the case. Ephesians 4:29, 5:4, and Colossians 3:8 pretty much seal the deal. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” (Yes, the Bible says pretty clearly that Christians shouldn’t … [Read more]

Sprained Ankles and Spiritual Pride

I’m going to give you a few pieces of this puzzle before I put them together for you. Piece 1: 4 weeks ago I sprained my ankle… badly. Most people don’t realize this, but sprained ankles are often more painful and take longer to heal than broken ones. I sprained my ankle in as bad a way as you can. What’s worse is that the doctor who originally diagnosed it and told me my treatment (wearing a boot and using crutches) was overly optimistic in the healing time. The doctor said I would have 2 weeks on the crutches with … [Read more]