A String of Flowery Phrases

To preface this, I need to point out that it was a school assignment. Flash fiction, if you don’t know is a form of writing that blurs the line between a short story and poetry. The goal is to express a thought or idea as powerfully as you can in as few words as possible. It’s very similar to slam poetry. One other flash fiction I wrote is titled “Hide and Seek with a Still Small Voice”. This particular piece comes with a little story. When I was assigned to write this I thought I would poke fun at the … [Read more]

Could There Be Would Have Been?

I hear this argument all the time and I heard it the other day. “If you had been born in a different country, you wouldn’t believe what you do.” The same logic gets applied in many different scenarios. The idea of “would have been” is quite popular to many people. It’s the “if only” philosophy. If only I had gone to college I would have a better job now. If only I had been born with better parents I wouldn’t be as angry as I am. If only I had stayed a virgin I wouldn’t be stuck with a kid … [Read more]

What Does it Mean to BE Gay?

Let me be clear up front. NONE OF MY STATEMENTS SHOULD BE DIRECTLY APPLIED TO THOSE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH. This is all that non-Christians need to read: You still have an old nature and need to hear the gospel (the good news) that Jesus died to take away the penalty of your sins and bring you eternal life. Jesus died because He loves you. God the Father sent God the Son to save you from the penalty of your sins because He loves you. Yes. You’re a sinner, and God loves you anyway. God loves you, fornicator. God loves you, … [Read more]

Stop Inviting Your Friends To Church!!

  Okay, I don’t mean that… exactly. Of course, bring your friends to church, but what I mean is, stop using the Sunday morning church service as your way of sharing the gospel. It’s not the church building’s job to evangelize the lost. It’s the church’s job. (When I say church in this sense I mean the people who make up the body of Christ. The universal church made up of those who believe a core set of doctrines about the God-Man Jesus the Christ and what he did on the cross.)   MAN UP (or WOMAN UP) and tell … [Read more]

Christians and Coffee

Introduction I don’t drink much coffee. Let’s get that out of the way now. I don’t like the taste of it. When I do have the occasional cup I put so much cream and sugar in it that the progression of changing color reminds one of certain thrilling pop-singers. I’m not addicted to the stuff. But some people out there are. In fact, most of those people wouldn’t even deny it! On the contrary, they are the first to boast about their addiction (in a joking tone of course). Phrases like, “I’m not myself til my first dose!” and “Cup … [Read more]