Who Wrote Hebrews?

Introduction Among the books that comprise the New Testament, few incite as much controversy about the nature of their authorship as the letter that begins not with a greeting, but with an assertion about how God communicates to his people. Commonly called “Hebrews” because of its extremely Jewish slant in argumentation and assumptions, this book gives an insight into the superiority of Jesus Christ over all previous revelations from God. The question that plagues scholars of the work is simply, “Who wrote it?” This question has been beaten and battered throughout the centuries and no conclusion has been reached. There … [Read more]

Progressive Dispensationalism in Comparison to Normative Dispensationalism

Introduction When discussing Progressive Dispensationalism (PD) it is important to first establish its origin and a working definition so as to distinguish it from other theological systems. PD began its public life at the annual Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Atlanta Georgia in 1986. It’s main formulators were Darrel L. Bock and Craig A. Blaising, out of Dallas Theological Seminary, and Robert L. Saucy out of Talbot Theological Seminary. [1] These men put forward a critique and adjustment of Normative Dispensationalism (ND) that was different enough to merit defining an entirely new system. As for the issue of definitions, it … [Read more]

The 7 Dispensations of Normative Dispensationalism

Introduction Depending on one’s dispensational theology, as few as three dispensations can be argued over in scripture. In the passage that most clearly gives the basis for Dispensationalism, Ephesians 1-3, there are at least three spoken of. However, most dispensationalists will hold to a seven-dispensation view. These are the seven that will be discussed in this paper: Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Patriarchal Rule, Law, Grace, and Millennium. Each dispensation, or economy of government between God and man, follows loosely the same pattern. A test or requirement is given from God to man, man fails to meet the standard set by … [Read more]

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: A Systematic Analysis

Introduction The following is an attempt to concisely identify and explain the most prominent characteristics of the Holy Spirit revealed in Scripture in a systematic way. It is a daunting task and so a few shortcuts have been taken that should be clarified up front. The basic structure and attributes of the Holy Spirit that form the outline of this paper have been borrowed from Charles Ryrie’s Basic Theology, a book that does a good job of explaining the bare essentials of theology in plain English for anyone to read. Basic Theology will be the primary source in this paper … [Read more]

Hide and Seek with a Still Small Voice

He looked up quick and looked back down hoping he would not be found. Hide-and-Seek’s a dangerous game, and he had gambled with his hiding spot. He soon forgot the thought though slowly praying he would not get caught between the front room posies. Lace and flowers round him, cozy, peaceful here in safety doze he. In and out of consciousness he faded back and forth. He whispered soft a tiny cough, like speaking to the boogey-man, “Just keep me hidden while you can.” A still small voice said, “It’s a plan.” Someone big had quickly raced right by his … [Read more]