The Hospital Love Letter

The Bible: Not Just a Love Letter. The Church: Not Just a Hospital. There are two phrases present in the church today that I really get annoyed by. Admittedly, they are for incredibly picky reasons, but that doesn’t stop me from getting annoyed. Honestly, they probably wouldn’t aggravate me so much if people didn’t often try to build doctrine on them. The two phrases are these: The Bible is God’s love letter to mankind The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. You’re probably thinking right now, “How could you not like those two sayings? They … [Read more]

Facebook Forwarding: Are You Going to Hell?

I just finished watching a video on a friend’s wall. It was the one about the professor who said to all his classes God doesn’t exist and to prove it I’m going to drop a piece of chalk. You’ve seen that one right? Anyway the basic story in this “video” (I use quotes because it’s all text, and no actual “video” takes place) is that the professor challenges anyone who believes in God to stand up. If any brave soul faced his wrath, he would claim that God couldn’t exist. He would make the ridiculous claim that, if He did … [Read more]

God Loves Gays

I was browsing the internet yesterday, looking for a funny meme I could share with my friends, and I stumbled across one of the pages of “funny sign” pictures. You know the type? The ones that have bigoted Americans holding up signs like “We Speek English!” There was a section of these pictures that showed anti gay rights protests. The one that caught my eye was the picture of a boy, about thirteen years old, holding up a sign that said, “God hates fags. Rom. 9:13”. It really got me angry mostly because that is simply not true. Let me … [Read more]

True Story

  To start this blog off I want to give an essay that might cool a few heads and establish where I’m coming from. This one has no biblical references, It’s all logic based. I think any non-Christians who might read future posts, should be able to look back to this essay and see some basic truths that will help them in various ways while reading more biblical material.   True Story What makes a statement true? It sounds like an easy question. Go head, try to answer it without using a variation of the word true. This is as … [Read more]