God Loves Gays

I was browsing the internet yesterday, looking for a funny meme I could share with my friends, and I stumbled across one of the pages of “funny sign” pictures. You know the type? The ones that have bigoted Americans holding up signs like “We Speek English!” There was a section of these pictures that showed anti gay rights protests. The one that caught my eye was the picture of a boy, about thirteen years old, holding up a sign that said, “God hates fags. Rom. 9:13”. It really got me angry mostly because that is simply not true. Let me … [Read more]


A Chr*stmas Song Study Triggered by the new “Holiday tree”! I was trying to figure out a way to illustrate how silly it is to stop people from saying Merry Chr*stmas with the reasoning that it “is forcing Christianity on people”. I decided to look at something that, for me, embodies the spirit of Chr*stmas from a worldly (or to be more accurate “regular American”) point of view. It’s what many people out there like to call Chr*stmas music! (You don’t need to read this list… just trust me, they’re all there)   A Christmas Long Ago All I want … [Read more]