Can Women Teach?

Introduction I’m having this conversation more and more. DTS Houston held a special panel entitled “Rediscovering God’s Vision for Male/Female Partnerships in Ministry.” It was Moderated by Dr. Sandra Glahn, and filled with various people, half DTS profs, and half friends of the seminary. Since that panel happened I’ve had the conversation about the question of “women pastors” about 20 times, and I think the time has come for a blog post about it. It’s a big one in conservative Christian culture. It’s coming to a head, and the times, they are a changing. I will address it this way: … [Read more]

How to Debate Gun Control

I Believe Progress Can Be Made I believe progress can actually be made on the gun control issue, we simply must engage in rational, reasonable debate. Let me paint a picture of the last 30 some-odd discussions I’ve had on this issue. One side wants to frame the other side as heartless monsters if they don’t support an “assault rifles ban” (or an outright gun ban in many cases) and the other side just laughs at the first side, covers its ears, and says “You’re too stupid to talk to, you don’t know anything about guns.” 80-90% of the people … [Read more]

Reformation Musings

500 years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses (arguments, or grievances) to the doors of Wittenberg churches. You can find all kinds of information on Luther, so I won’t bore you with history. I don’t so much want to talk about Martin, the brash, charge into battle, say what’s needed to win an argument, lover of men and the Bible, concerned with grace and grace alone as the means of salvation, monk, as I do want to talk about the reformation. What has it brought and where is it now? There were many reformers, such as Jan Hus, … [Read more]

Reflections on Harvey

What I Saw in Harvey I was safe and dry for all of Harvey. I moved into a third story apartment two days before Harvey hit, and was literally moving furniture in the Friday morning that it started. I was well-stocked with food, and spent most of the weekend watching Netflix, waiting for it to be over. The only pain Harvey caused me was in watching people who were stranded via social media and wishing I could help, but being unable to do so. I heard many people echo this same sentiment. They were safe and dry and felt bad … [Read more]