Kick Him Out of Church!

Two Introductory Stories My mom and dad fondly tell the story of one of the first times my dad visited my great-grandmother’s old, back-country Oklahoma, Pentecostal church. My mom and dad were dating at the time, and my dad was not familiar with Pentecostal churches at all, so this event really stuck out to him. After the speaking in tongues and whooping had subsided, and the preacher had gotten into his groove, he was passionately talking about “…a man who comes to church on Sundays and greets people at the door and shakes hands, but on Saturday night he was … [Read more]

The Gate is Small (Pt. 7)

This is a continuation of an allegorical tale begun in The Gate is Small (Pt. 1) and continuing through The Gate is Small (Pt. 2), The Gate is Small (Pt. 3), The Gate is Small (Pt. 4), The Gate is Small (Pt. 5), and The Gate is Small (Pt. 6). I suggest reading the full story in order, but of course, that’s only my opinion. Jack and I were sitting at an antique wooden breakfast table inside a backpacker’s hostel. The kitchen was well-stocked with the usual ingredients for breakfasts and dinners, and crystal clear water ran from the tap. … [Read more]

You’re not a Sinner Because You’re a Homosexual

This is an open letter to those of my friends who would call themselves homosexuals who are tired of being called sinners because of it: I’m sorry. I’m sorry that so many Christians look at one aspect of your life and make a judgment against you because of it. I’m sorry that our society has elevated one issue to a place of prominence it does not deserve because of the actions of people on both sides of the issue. I’m sorry that so many Christians have spoken so carelessly about a subject that is so delicate and that you hold … [Read more]

Christians and Contraception

This topic is one that can get into the weeds and can get confusing, so I’m going to try to address it with my usual logical clarity and I might end up offending someone in the process. Please know upfront that I don’t intend to offend, all I intend to do is try to present the truth from the Bible as clearly as I can. You might go listen to the lesson “A Biblical View of Abortion, Contraception, and In-Vitro Fertilization” in conjunction with this post for some good resources or clarification. The question to be addressed is this: Should … [Read more]

The Hatmakers are Gay Affirming This is a review of a post by Brandon Hatmaker (husband of Jen Hatmaker) explaining their choice to join the revolution of “affirming Christians.” A link to the post is at the top of this page. Please DO read it for yourself before reading this review. I’m writing this at the request of a friend, and I am happy to oblige. I would recommend having the post open in a different window next to this one, so you can see both at the same time. That’s how I wrote it. So, when I quote something from the post, you … [Read more]