Starts with an E ends with a Y and WILL MESS YOU UP!

Starts with an E ends with a Y and WILL MESS YOU UP! That’s right. You know what I’m talking about. It’s a little pill your friends might make you swallow, and you wonder to yourself if it’s a good idea at the time, but then you get to where you can’t resist it, and you have to keep going back because of the intoxicating effects. You can’t get enough of it. You start craving it more and more, until finally you overdose, and those same friends have to hold you back from starting fights and convince you that the … [Read more]

Christians Don’t End Up in Heaven

  I said off-hand in a different blog post that Christians weren’t going to heaven, and I got some lip about it. But before I start explaining myself, let me narrow the audience for you. This post is directed at Christians. The “yous” in this post are “readers who have believed the gospel that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ of God, and by believing, have life in His name.” Okay, lets get back to the point. Christians don’t end up in heaven. “Of course we’re going to heaven!” you say. “That’s the gospel, Stephen! We’re going to go to … [Read more]

The Kingdom of God

This is my first graduate level paper… I think it’s about the same as my other papers, but I haven’t had time to write blog posts because I’ve been writing stuff like this. I hope you enjoy it! Ask yourself, “What do I think Jesus meant by ‘the kingdom of God’?”   INTRODUCTION The kingdom of God (KoG) is one of the few major biblical themes that literally spans from the beginning of the book to the end. It is in Genesis 1 and 2 that we see God creating a kingdom on earth to rule, and it is in … [Read more]

The 7 Dispensations of Normative Dispensationalism

Introduction Depending on one’s dispensational theology, as few as three dispensations can be argued over in scripture. In the passage that most clearly gives the basis for Dispensationalism, Ephesians 1-3, there are at least three spoken of. However, most dispensationalists will hold to a seven-dispensation view. These are the seven that will be discussed in this paper: Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Patriarchal Rule, Law, Grace, and Millennium. Each dispensation, or economy of government between God and man, follows loosely the same pattern. A test or requirement is given from God to man, man fails to meet the standard set by … [Read more]

Creation Views

Introduction It has been argued down through the ages that the world has had a number of different beginnings. Rather, there are a number of different arguments that attempt to explain the beginning of the world. In general these arguments can be divided into two main camps. Camp one: someone, somehow, created the world. Camp two: the world became this way by a complicated series of chances. These Two camps, according to C. S. Lewis, can be classified “the religious view,” and “the materialist view.”[1] In this paper, these two camps will loosely be titled “Creationism” and “Evolutionism.” The former … [Read more]