Christians and Contraception

This topic is one that can get into the weeds and can get confusing, so I’m going to try to address it with my usual logical clarity and I might end up offending someone in the process. Please know upfront that I don’t intend to offend, all I intend to do is try to present the truth from the Bible as clearly as I can. You might go listen to the lesson “A Biblical View of Abortion, Contraception, and In-Vitro Fertilization” in conjunction with this post for some good resources or clarification. The question to be addressed is this: Should … [Read more]

Why I Stopped Saying “I’m Proud of You”

  I’m pretty picky about the words I use. I try to speak clearly and concisely, and choose my words precisely. There have been plenty of posts from me before talking about this sort of thing… from “His Name’s Not Lucifer” to “People Have Sex, Words Have Gender” to “What Does it Mean to BE Gay?” to “Yes You Are Black” to “The Dreaded A-Word” to “You’re Just Another Klansman” to “When I Criticize the Church” to “C.S. Lewis Was Wrong” to… it could go on. Yes. I talk a lot about how we use words. I think it’s important. … [Read more]

Yes You Are Black

You may have seen a video that’s been floating around Facebook for a few years. It starts out with the tantalizing phrase “I am not black.” Here’s a link to the video on YouTube , and here’s a link to the artist’s (Prince EA) webpage . It’s a compelling little video, definitely worth watching, but with both eyes open! It is a huge mix of great and horrible. There is truth in it, and there are massive and dangerous lies in it. I figured as an exercise for myself, as well as for instruction, I would deconstruct this video and … [Read more]

Doubting Thomas: Chapter 13

The following is an assignment I had for my ST102 class (Trinitarianism). It is a hypothetical 13th Chapter to the book “Doubting Thomas” by John Cobb. (The book is out of Print, but I have linked a pdf copy of it here.) I highly recommend not wasting your time reading it. It’s what I would classify as trashy liberal theology designed to prey on those who have not studied historic orthodox Christianity. The author specifically excludes the viewpoint of orthodoxy in this adventure of “christology in story form.” The plot line is that Thomas, a young seminarian, runs into a … [Read more]

You’re Just Another Klansman

In light of the recent decision by the Supreme Court, the one upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare, I thought I would share my thoughts on the ever increasingly important subject of words and what they mean. With that in mind, I’d like to share a quotation with you. “This is an institution of chivalry, humanity, mercy, and patriotism; embodying in its genius and its principles all that is chivalric in conduct, noble in sentiment, generous in manhood, and patriotic in purpose; its peculiar objects being: First, to protect the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless from the indignities, wrongs, and … [Read more]