A Christian response to ISIS

The question I received prompting this post: “I would be curious to hear what your thoughts are on how we should respond to ISIS? I’m fully aware of what an American response looks like… But what should a Christian response look like – how should our faith dictate our response, especially with what just happened in Brussels (although there is a long list of atrocities that have been committed).”   I’ve been asked to write a post about how Christians should respond to ISIS. To be honest, this prospect terrifies me. It terrifies me because I fear that I might … [Read more]

You’re Just Another Klansman

In light of the recent decision by the Supreme Court, the one upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare, I thought I would share my thoughts on the ever increasingly important subject of words and what they mean. With that in mind, I’d like to share a quotation with you. “This is an institution of chivalry, humanity, mercy, and patriotism; embodying in its genius and its principles all that is chivalric in conduct, noble in sentiment, generous in manhood, and patriotic in purpose; its peculiar objects being: First, to protect the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless from the indignities, wrongs, and … [Read more]

People Have Sex, Words Have Gender

I’m writing this days after Bruce Jenner decided to become Caitlyn Jenner and the question of Transgenderism is hotter than it’s ever been. Introduction To those who support Jenner’s decision, I ask a single question of you: If Jenner changes back, will you be equally supportive? I’ve been thinking it through for days to be sure I don’t say something about this that I’ll regret. There are so many angles from which to look at this. There’s the Jon Stewart angle, which unknowingly exposes the inconsistency of supporting both feminism and trans-genderism. There’s the Walt Heyer angle, which traces the gruesome … [Read more]

C. S. Lewis Was Wrong!

C.S. Lewis was wrong. I don’t say those words, in that order, very often. Unless we’re talking about afterlife theories, eschatology, eternal security, or evolution, I put stock in what Lewis said. His work on moral law thinking, The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, they’re all spectacular. He has affected my way of thinking and my way of life more than any other writer, except perhaps the Apostle Paul. Unfortunately, Lewis was very wrong about one particular prediction. In Mere Christianity Lewis talks about the meaning of the word “Christian.” He talks about how the meaning … [Read more]

Could There Be Would Have Been?

I hear this argument all the time and I heard it the other day. “If you had been born in a different country, you wouldn’t believe what you do.” The same logic gets applied in many different scenarios. The idea of “would have been” is quite popular to many people. It’s the “if only” philosophy. If only I had gone to college I would have a better job now. If only I had been born with better parents I wouldn’t be as angry as I am. If only I had stayed a virgin I wouldn’t be stuck with a kid … [Read more]