The Senate Democrats are Officially, Openly, Evil

What Happened The Democrats now openly act on the logical conclusion of their sadistic view of sex. 44 Democrats voted specifically to deny a bill that would require life-saving care for a living baby, outside the womb, sitting on a table struggling for life, if its mother had tried to kill it moments before. Christians, if you ever cast a vote for any one of these 44 Democrats in the future, YOU KNOWINGLY SUPPORT EVIL. There is no longer any gray area. There are no longer any “pragmatic arguments” about wanting to “decrease the amount of abortions.” This is just … [Read more]

Kick Him Out of Church!

Two Introductory Stories My mom and dad fondly tell the story of one of the first times my dad visited my great-grandmother’s old, back-country Oklahoma, Pentecostal church. My mom and dad were dating at the time, and my dad was not familiar with Pentecostal churches at all, so this event really stuck out to him. After the speaking in tongues and whooping had subsided, and the preacher had gotten into his groove, he was passionately talking about “…a man who comes to church on Sundays and greets people at the door and shakes hands, but on Saturday night he was … [Read more]

Reformation Musings

500 years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses (arguments, or grievances) to the doors of Wittenberg churches. You can find all kinds of information on Luther, so I won’t bore you with history. I don’t so much want to talk about Martin, the brash, charge into battle, say what’s needed to win an argument, lover of men and the Bible, concerned with grace and grace alone as the means of salvation, monk, as I do want to talk about the reformation. What has it brought and where is it now? There were many reformers, such as Jan Hus, … [Read more]

You’re not a Sinner Because You’re a Homosexual

This is an open letter to those of my friends who would call themselves homosexuals who are tired of being called sinners because of it: I’m sorry. I’m sorry that so many Christians look at one aspect of your life and make a judgment against you because of it. I’m sorry that our society has elevated one issue to a place of prominence it does not deserve because of the actions of people on both sides of the issue. I’m sorry that so many Christians have spoken so carelessly about a subject that is so delicate and that you hold … [Read more]