The Senate Democrats are Officially, Openly, Evil

What Happened The Democrats now openly act on the logical conclusion of their sadistic view of sex. 44 Democrats voted specifically to deny a bill that would require life-saving care for a living baby, outside the womb, sitting on a table struggling for life, if its mother had tried to kill it moments before. Christians, if you ever cast a vote for any one of these 44 Democrats in the future, YOU KNOWINGLY SUPPORT EVIL. There is no longer any gray area. There are no longer any “pragmatic arguments” about wanting to “decrease the amount of abortions.” This is just … [Read more]

A 13-Year-Old Asked Me A Better Question Than Any 20-Year-Old Has

The Context I was working a youth retreat this weekend and I was one of the leaders for 7th grade men. I say men, and not boys, because these men acted more like men than many Millennial boys I know. I believe in credit where it is due, and these men deserve credit. One in particular asked a question that should be asked by far more Christians. When discussing the gospel, the fact that people are saved from eternal torment in hell by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, we were making the point of what … [Read more]

Millennials: It’s Not About You!

Barna’s Recent Poll Before saying anything else, recognize this: I’m a Millennial. I’m not saying anything here to Millennials which I don’t want said to me. That said… Barna just released a fascinating poll result, in which they asked Christians from different generations about their comfort level with, and theology of, evangelism. Look at the chart (linked here), and at the top of the post and notice two points of data. Point 1) MORE Millennials than any other group agree with the statement “I am gifted at sharing my faith with other people.” Point 2) FEWER Millennials than any other … [Read more]

How My Grammar Nazi Mom Taught Me to Think

I grew up with a grammar Nazi. I called her mommy. In my household, a day would not go by without phrases like, “I don’t know, ‘can’ you?” “You mean, ‘My friend and I,” and “Did you mean ‘was’ or ‘were’? How many ‘was’ there?” ringing through the house. You might’ve also noticed that a certain condescending sarcasm accompanied most of the grammatical corrections that came my way. My regular readers now understand where I’ve gotten all of my style from. (<Is that a preposition at the end of that sentence?!?!?) These daily corrections were, at the time, some of … [Read more]

The Pope Repented

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a post. I’ve been going through some stuff. I’ll leave it at that. However, the Pope finally responded to the Pennsylvania news, and I wanted to think out loud about it, so here it goes. A quick disclaimer: I do speak fairly strongly against the Roman Catholic Church in this post. I hope that my Roman Catholic friends understand that I am not speaking against THEM, but against particular doctrines of the institution with which they identify. Please don’t take personal offense at my words, and please talk to me and … [Read more]