Starts with an E ends with a Y and WILL MESS YOU UP!

Starts with an E ends with a Y and WILL MESS YOU UP! That’s right. You know what I’m talking about. It’s a little pill your friends might make you swallow, and you wonder to yourself if it’s a good idea at the time, but then you get to where you can’t resist it, and you have to keep going back because of the intoxicating effects. You can’t get enough of it. You start craving it more and more, until finally you overdose, and those same friends have to hold you back from starting fights and convince you that the … [Read more]

Abortion Isn’t Legal

I decided to sit down and actually read the Roe v Wade decision. I suggest doing it yourself. Here’s a link to it if you’re so inclined. Many people are unfamiliar with what it actually argues and why. If they know anything about it, they know “Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in all 50 states.” They are wrong in that assessment. Let me summarize the argument that the court actually made in very plain English: We think a mother has a constitutional right to an abortion (in some situations), under the “right of privacy” primarily “found” in the ninth … [Read more]

Super Heroes Do What the Church Won’t

Superhero movies are doing what the church won’t: teach theology. I really wish the general public got better theology than what’s taught in superhero movies. This is a thought I’ve had for a while, pretty much since The Dark Knight came out, but it hadn’t been blatant enough for the public until Batman vs. Superman. I saw the movie last night and my friend Sam Bennet, who we ran into at the theater, warned me, “You’re going to want to write a blog post about it.” He was right. Batman v Superman was the first one to make it unmistakable … [Read more]

Do Babies Go to Hell?

If you believe the true gospel, you have to have had this thought. Before we get going on this, please know that if this question is personal for you, you may be offended by my “callous” or “heartless” approach. Know that I feel deeply for you and weep with you. It’s personal for me to. But in this post, I am trying to give the most clear and logical answer that I can from the biblical text, and that may mean saying things that you don’t want to hear. Here’s the Dilemma Everyone is born sinful. All have sinned and … [Read more]

Free Will and Election

I’ve decided to start posting the papers that I write for school, since that’s where all my time is currently going. Feel free to comment, agree, disagree, or ask questions about anything I write. Introduction The attempt to build a case as to the complete certainty of a single side in the debate of free will verses election seems to me to be emotional, and intellectual suicide. The plain fact is that, based on a plain normal, literal, grammatical, historical interpretation of biblical text, no one “side” is completely, exclusively “correct” and no one “side” is completely, exclusively “incorrect.” A … [Read more]