Can Women Teach?

Introduction I’m having this conversation more and more. DTS Houston held a special panel entitled “Rediscovering God’s Vision for Male/Female Partnerships in Ministry.” It was Moderated by Dr. Sandra Glahn, and filled with various people, half DTS profs, and half friends of the seminary. Since that panel happened I’ve had the conversation about the question of “women pastors” about 20 times, and I think the time has come for a blog post about it. It’s a big one in conservative Christian culture. It’s coming to a head, and the times, they are a changing. I will address it this way: … [Read more]

Reformation Musings

500 years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses (arguments, or grievances) to the doors of Wittenberg churches. You can find all kinds of information on Luther, so I won’t bore you with history. I don’t so much want to talk about Martin, the brash, charge into battle, say what’s needed to win an argument, lover of men and the Bible, concerned with grace and grace alone as the means of salvation, monk, as I do want to talk about the reformation. What has it brought and where is it now? There were many reformers, such as Jan Hus, … [Read more]

Insert Click-Bait Here

I realized today that I don’t write things that most people like. In a blog post, most people would prefer one of two things: (1) a set of vague, feel-good phrases about how everything is nice and they felt the change in their fears and knew in their heart to go the distance and love themselves when nobody was on their side with the swallowing their pride in the nature, love good, makes me wish love hate like free in the summer. …or… (2) Something remarkably inflammatory and bigoted that carries the same amount of thought as the first type, but … [Read more]

My Ideal Youth Ministry

This is a paper written for my Christian Ministry with Youth course at DTS. The assignment was to write your philosophy of youth ministry and include things like your essential theology, the purpose of youth ministry, and the structure and outcomes of your ideal youth ministry. It is intended to be used in interviews and applications for youth pastor jobs. If nothing else, it will give you a glimpse of what I think about how the church should be run and what the essential doctrines of Christianity are. Introduction The purpose of this work is to tell you about my … [Read more]