Let’s Talk About Sex

This is a paper written for my Wisdom Literature class. It is meant to give a theology of sex, meaning outline the ideals and the created order of sex, as well as discuss the perversions and corruptions. It has the potential to come off callous and legalistic. The practical outworking of these principles is very different than they sound on this page. Grace is very much involved with the process of dealing with sexual sin. That section of sex is not covered in this paper, nor is it intended to be. This is merely an attempt to clearly define what … [Read more]

The Morality of Esther

This is a paper I wrote for my historical literature class… not my best work, but not terrible. The prompt was “Write a paper discussing the moral character of Esther.” Enjoy. Introduction The book of Esther, one of the two eponymously feminine books of the bible, details the story of a young woman who’s moral character is tested by being made queen and then forced to make a choice either personal harm for her own nations sake or personal safety at the cost of her nation. Her story will be summarized more fully later in this paper. The purpose of … [Read more]

God Loves Gays

I was browsing the internet yesterday, looking for a funny meme I could share with my friends, and I stumbled across one of the pages of “funny sign” pictures. You know the type? The ones that have bigoted Americans holding up signs like “We Speek English!” There was a section of these pictures that showed anti gay rights protests. The one that caught my eye was the picture of a boy, about thirteen years old, holding up a sign that said, “God hates fags. Rom. 9:13”. It really got me angry mostly because that is simply not true. Let me … [Read more]