In this series we spent 5 weeks diving deep into the doctrine of the trinity, and in particular, talking about the biblical defense of the doctrine. Feel free to watch, listen, download, and most of all, learn!
Lesson 5: Biblical Defense Pt 4
The hymn we went over was “My Redeemer” by Philip Bliss. In this lesson we finished our discussion of the Trinity from the Biblical text. Lesson given on Oct 1, 2017.
Trinity Lesson 5 (To download, Right click and select “Save Link As…”)
Biblical Defense of Trinity .pptx
Trinity Lesson 4: Biblical Defense Pt. 3 handout .doc
“My Redeemer” Info Sheet .doc
Lesson 4: Biblical Defense Pt 3
The Hymn we went over was “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” by Joseph Scriven. In this lesson we continued a discussion of each person of the Trinity from the biblical text. We almost finished up the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, a technical error occurred and the video of this lesson did not save. The audio was preserved, however, so it is here for your listening pleasure, along with the usual handout and powerpoint. Lesson given on Sept 24, 2017.
Trinity Lesson 4 .mp3 (To download, Right click and select “Save Link As…”)
Biblical Defense of Trinity .pptx
Trinity Lesson 4: Biblical Defense Pt. 3 handout .doc
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Info Sheet .doc
Lesson 3: Biblical Defense Pt 2
The hymn we went over was “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny J Crosby. In this lesson we continued a discussion of each person of the Trinity FROM the biblical text. We made it about 2/3 of the way through the Son. Lesson given on Sept 17, 2017.
Trinity Lesson 3 .mp3 (To download, Right click and select “Save Link As…”)
Biblical Defense of Trinity .pptx
“Blessed Assurance” Info Sheet .doc
Trinity Lesson 3: Biblical Defense Pt. 2 handout .doc
Lesson 2: Biblical Defense Pt 1
The Hymn we went over this week was “It is Well” by Horatio G Spafford and Philip Bliss. In this lesson we finished up the powerpoint from the first lesson when we were going over the history and heresies related to the Trinity. We then transitioned into the Biblical defense for the Trinity and got through the discussion of the the Father in the Bible. Lesson given on Sept 3, 2017.
Trinity Lesson 2 (To download, Right click and select “Save Link As…”)
“It is Well” Info Sheet .doc
Trinity Lesson 2: Biblical Defense Pt.1 handout.doc
Trinity Lesson 2: Biblical Defense .pptx
Lesson 1: Review of Past Lessons
In this lesson we began our new series on the Trinity. We also began our new start to lessons by analyzing a hymn. The hymn this week was Come Thou Fount and we began our discussion of the Trinity by reviewing past lessons and taking a look at history. Lesson given on August 20, 2017.
Trinity Lesson 1.mp3 (To download, Right click and select “Save Link As…”)
Trinity Lesson 1: A review of Past Lessons .pptx
Trinity Lesson 1: A Review of Past Lessons handout.doc
Creeds Appendix Handout