This series was taught as the preparation series leading up to the Riggins trip in 2016. In it, we tried to cover the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We go from the very basics of how to think and read, to looking at the plot, characters, setting and conflict of the Bible, and the remarkable double twist ending where the promised seed from Genesis 3:15 shows up… but dies… and then comes back!

Below you will find the recordings and handouts from each lesson, and at the bottom of the page those same recordings and handouts are organized by file type. (So if you want to download all the handouts at once, or all the powerpoints at once, or all the recordings at once you can!)


Lesson 9:

An Introduction to Systematic Theology. Lesson given to home group on July 10, 2016. With the whole bible covered, this lesson gives a brief glimpse into the process of doing theology. Lesson Downloads:
An Introduction to Systematic Theology mp3
Anthropology from Ryrie’s “Basic Theology” pdf
An Introduction to Systematic Theology handout
An Introduction to Systematic Theology .pptx


Lesson 8:

New Testament Survey. Lesson given to home group on July 3, 2016. This covers a basic overview of each book in the New Testament and the basic themes in each group of books.Lesson Downloads:
The New Testament mp3
Blank Timeline .docx
The New Testament handout
New Testament .pptx


Lesson 7:

The Intertestamental Period. Lesson given to home group on June 19, 2016. This covers the history of the intertestamental period and the prophecies in Daniel that concern this history. Lesson Downloads:
Intertestamental Period mp3
The Intertestamental Period .pptx
Intertestamental Period handout


Lesson 6:

Ezra-Nehemiah. Lesson given to home group on June 5, 2016 by Clint Tees. This covers the story of Ezra and Nehemiah returning from the Babylonian exile. Lesson Downloads:
Ezra-Nehemiah (taught by Clint Tees) mp3
Ezra Nehemiah .pptx (by Clint Tees)


Lesson 5:

1 Sam 1-2 Chron and the Prophets: David through the Exile. Lesson given to home group on May 22, 2016. This covers the major points of the kings and prophets which led to the Babylonian captivity of Judah and the Assyrian destruction of Israel. Lesson Downloads:
David Through Exile mp3
David Through Exile handout
David through Exile .pptx


Lesson 4:

Exodus 1- 1 Sam 1: Moses Through David. Lesson given to home group on May 1, 2016. This covers the major points of Moses’s life and ministry and the shift between the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenant, through the end of the period of the judges. Lesson Downloads:
Moses Through David (complete)
Moses Through David handout
Moses Through David .pptx


Lesson 3:

Genesis 4 – Exodus 1: Abraham Through Moses. Lesson given to home group on April 24, 2016. This covers the major points of the story in Genesis, with particular focus on Abraham’s life and the Abrahamic Covenant.Lesson Downloads:
Abraham Through Moses mp3
Abraham Through Moses handout
Abraham Through Moses .pptx


Lesson 2:

Genesis 1 & 2: Creation Views. Lesson given to home group on April 17, 2016. This covers an overview of the major views on the origin of the earth and the interpretive methods applied to Gen 1&2. Evolution, Creative Evolution, Day-Age Theory, Gap Theory, Literal Six Day Creation, and others. Lesson Downloads:
Creation Views mp3
Creation Views handout
Creation Views .pptx


Lesson 1:

Back to Basics/Covering Our Bases: An Introduction to Thinking and Reading. Lesson given to home group on April 10, 2016. This covers the basics of logic, truth, words, language, and the biblical story.
Lesson Downloads:
Back to Basics mp3
Back to Basics and Covering our Bases handout
Syllogisms Worksheet pdf
Back To Basics and Covering Our Bases .pptx



Anthropology from Ryrie’s “Basic Theology” pdf
An Introduction to Systematic Theology handout
Blank Timeline
The New Testament handout
Intertestamental Period handout
David Through Exile handout
Moses Through David handout
Abraham Through Moses handout
Creation Views handout
Back to Basics and Covering our Bases handout
Syllogisms Worksheet


An Introduction to Systematic Theology powerpoint
New Testament powerpoint
The Intertestamental Period powerpoint
Ezra Nehemiah powerpoint (by Clint Tees)
David through Exile powerpoint
Moses Through David powerpoint
Abraham Through Moses powerpoint
Creation Views powerpoint
Back To Basics and Covering Our Bases powerpoint


(To download these recordings, right click on the link and select “Save Link As…”)
Lesson 9: An Introduction to Systematic Theology mp3
Lesson 8: The New Testament mp3
Lesson 7: Intertestamental Period mp3
Lesson 6: Ezra-Nehemiah (taught by Clint Tees) mp3
Lesson 5: David Through Exile mp3
Lesson 4: Moses Through David (complete)
Lesson 3: Abraham Through Moses mp3
Lesson 2: Creation Views mp3
Lesson 1: Back to Basics mp3